Budgeting Your Way to Your Dream Life
Steps to take to realize your goals
Your Debt is Under Control. Now What?
Create a post-debt financial plan.
Credit card tune-up can help reduce debt
Reduce debt more quickly with these tactics
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: Understanding the "Means Test"
Filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is quite popular because it is considered liquidation. But before filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, a Means test will first determine your eligibility.
Day Eight: Start Preparing Now for Next Year's Holiday Shopping Madness
Now that the holiday shopping season is winding down for this year, it’s time to start thinking about next year. Here are a few tips to help…
Day Nine: Getting the Most of Your Gift Card
Despite the growing popularity of gift cards, consumers still need to be aware of the terms and conditions of the cards, so read the fine print. The Federal…
Day Seven: Check This List Twice Before You Start Shopping
Now that you know more than you ever thought there was to know about using plastic for your holiday shopping, here is a check list to go over…
Day Six: More on Deciphering the World of Plastic
As you’ve read in our earlier installments, the world of credit cards is getting even more and more complicated. To make the muddy waters still…
Part Three: More Glitches in the Treasury Secretary's Mortgage Bailout Plan
Part Two - Who the Treasury Secretary's Mortgage Bailout Plan Doesn't Help Unless the pace of foreclosures can be slowed, the housing market is going to…
Part Two: Who the Treasury Secretary's Mortgage Bailout Plan Doesn't Help
This is a three part article. Part One: Treasury Secretary Offers Sub-Prime Bailout Plan If you’re one of those millions who face foreclosure after your interest rate resets, will Treasury Secretary Henry…
Day Five: More Tips for Buying Gift Cards
Are you considering giving a gift card instead of wracking your brain trying to figure out what gift to purchase? If so, we recommend buying your…
Day Four: More on Avoiding the ?I Can?t Believe I Charged That Much? Holiday Blues
As we said earlier, not all rewards cards are created equal. Some offer different rewards for…
Day Three: Gift Cards Can Help Take the Guessing Out of Holiday Gift-Giving
Many times, most of the time, probably, “You shouldn’t have …” really means, “What were you thinking?”…
Treasury Secretary Offers Sub-prime Bailout Plan
U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson offered a Band-Aid from the Bush administration to stem the foreclosure hemorrhage. While short on details so far,…
12 Days of Debt Holiday Series
This is our Holiday Debt Series homepage. We break down our 12 steps to avoiding excessive debt during the holiday season. Tips and advice everyone can…
Day Two: More Tips to Survive the Holidays Without Ending up in the Poorhouse
Too often we get caught up in the one-ups-manship of the holiday gift-giving season. It can be very tempting to forget…
Day One: 12 Ways of Getting Through the Holidays Without Going Bankrupt
This is Part 1 of Our 12 Days Of Debt Series Congratulations! You survived Black Friday without…
Mortgage Reform on the Horizon?
One of the biggest issues facing lawmakers today is mortgage reform. A bill that had been in committee,…
Senator Dick Durbin Has His Own Mortgage Relief Bill: Helping Families Save Their Homes Act
U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-IL, is backing a bill that will allow homeowners who are in bankruptcy to modify their mortgages and help them avoid foreclosure. According to a study by the Center…
Specter's Mortgage Relief Bill Not Much Help: Home Owners? Mortgage and Equity Savings Act
U.S. Senator Arlen Specter, R-Pa., has offered his version of relief for homeowners who are in bankruptcy because they can no longer afford their mortgage payments. Specter’s Home Owners’…
Bush Vetoes Children's Health Insurance Bill: More Debt for Low Income Families
By Jim Perez, DebtHelp, Inc. Staff Writer Compassionate conservativism? Or driving a stake through the heart…
Understanding the Federal Reserve System
Early last week, big news was made when the “Fed” announced that interest rates would be cut by half of a percentage point, but few individuals really understand…
Bush Proposal to Save Homeowners from Foreclosure
If you’re one of the millions of homeowners who bought a home in recent years with an adjustable-rate mortgage, and now find yourself over your…
The New Changes to the FHA Loan Program
Federal officials said last Wednesday that it will take awhile to smooth out the bumpy ride the credit and stock markets have been taking recently, but U.S. banks and the economy,…